Training, Lessons, Boarding, Sales (all stock breeds including ApHC,AQHA,APHA,ABRA )Michigan Apple Blossom Open Horse Show Circuit Michigan State…
Training Show Horses using knowledge gained over the last 25+ years of experience.
Arabian Rescue in Ohio. All breeds welcome.
Deisig Dressage offers training, lessons, and boarding. We are located at the beautiful Six Oaks Farm in FRankenmuth MI. Janelle Deisig is the resident…
We are a 32-stall multi-discipline, private boarding facility in Ottawa Lake, MI offering specialized care tailored to each individual horses needs…
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Hunter/Jumper, Lessons, Training, Sales, Clinics, Breaking, Hospital Rehabilitation
Full service boarding, training and lessons facility owned and operated by Master Dressage Instructor CHA certified since 1996. Specializing in Dressage…