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Harber Horse Stables is nicely set on 250 acres, about 150 of that is trail ridind the rest is farm
Number one leading farm in Horse sales in the globe and a very conducive environment .
Helping bridge the communication gap between horse and human. Using more natural techniques and understanding of horse and human emotion, to get you…
Located in NW Ohio, We breed quality AQHA, APHA, PHBA, PtHA and ApHC. We specialize in the all around pleasure horse. We offer boarding, lessons,…
Maple Leaf Equestrian Centre is a family owned and operated horse boarding facility located on 27 rolling scenic acres in Granville, OH. We offer…
Do you have a child who simply isn't interested in other sports? Are you an adult who wanted to learn to ride, but never had the chance? Are you…
We specialize in reining horses (hence the name!), but emphasize cross-training to develop a well rounded, truly useful horse. Training is tailored…