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Hunter/Jumper, Lessons, Training, Sales, Clinics, Breaking, Hospital Rehabilitation
Boarding $350, Guided Trail Rides $40, Horse Training $600, Riding Lessons $40/ 6 for $200, Horse Leasing $300 Indoor Arena Rental $10 per…
Shimmering Moon Farm is a family owned horse training and breeding facility specializing in thoroughbred sporthorses. Shimmering Moon Farm also…
a full service thoroughbred race horse breeding, boarding and lessons facility in the heart of Michigan Standing: Haslam Michigan only breeding son…
Barrel racing and roping facility
Offering Training, Instruction, Showing, Breeding and Sales. We are now opening our stables to boarding. Come enjoy the winter at our heated barn…
Breaking and Training horses and riders. Can work with you and your horse or lessons on mine.