Ledger Farm is a full service facility built in 2005. We like to create a community feel at our facility and welcome all breeds and disciplines.…
Achieve a joyful, confident, and bonded relationship with your horse. Learn your horse’s body language, know what he or she is thinking, and…
Pasture board $100/mo. 2 stall barn for $200/mo, Paddock boarding for $150/mo. HUGE outdoor arena, 60 and 20 ft round pens. All horses are grained…
Horse Sales, Training/Boarding, Lessons, Clinics, Horse Evaluation
American Pride has both the pedigree and conformation to be an arena superstar. He's a stunning bay with four perfect white socks. He is just turning…
We specialize in training barrel horses, give lessons, and just have a great time!
We do NOT accept breeding with our school horses. if you are boarding a horse you may be allowed to breed. OUR FARM IS NOT READY YET. WE JUST BOUGHT…
Offering guided trail rides, Horse drawn sleigh and wagon rides, Weddings, Horses bought and sold, Standing APHA stallion, Boarding, Indoor arena…