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Riding for pleasure, Giving lessons, and training horses
Timber Run Farm is a full-service equestrian boarding facility in the rolling hills and meadows of central Ohio. Beyond the center pond, an extensive…
12x12 Stalls 80x200 Indoor Arena 2 100x200 Outdoor Arenas 60' Round Pen Tack Rooms with individual tack lockers Hot/Cold Wash Racks Bathroom…
Beautiful full-service boarding facility in Oberlin (only 2 miles from Oberlin College); offering Horse Boarding, Riding Lessons and Training. We…
Full Training Facility for both Horse and rider. Specialize in the young Jumper and problem horses. We believe in the gentle approach to training…
We train horse and donkey for race .
Maple Leaf Equestrian Centre is a family owned and operated horse boarding facility located on 27 rolling scenic acres in Granville, OH. We offer…