We provide Training, Lessons, Boarding, Youth club, , Scout badges, Camps
We are a 32-stall multi-discipline, private boarding facility in Ottawa Lake, MI offering specialized care tailored to each individual horses needs…
120 acre full service equine facility with large indoor and outdoor arenas, over 7 miles of private trails, four feedings per day, pasture turn out…
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Located in Delaware, OH. We offer training, lessons, summer camps and more! Visit our website for more info!! You can also follow us on facebook!
American Saddlebred Horses: Lessons, Training, Sales, Leasing and Boarding All lessons are 30 minute private lessons.
We offer boarding, lessons and leasing. Full Care.
Harber Horse Stables is nicely set on 250 acres, about 150 of that is trail ridind the rest is farm