This is "PEANUT BUTTER", a nice moving, smart, sure footed sorrel QUARTER HORSE MOLLY MULE. She stands 15 hands tall and is 12 years old. This mule has…
SOLDMeet "MR KIBBLES", a super cute, well broke, gentle, youth ridden, and beginner friendly TOBIANO PAINT GELDING. He stands 13.1 hands tall and is 8 years…
SOLDThis is "CHICKEN CASSEROLE", a flashy sorrel and white TOBIANO PAINT GELDING that has been used for trail riding by a senior citizen. He is loud colored…
SOLDThis is "SWEETIE PIE", a nice gentle BLACK AND WHITE PAINT MARE whose name fits her well. She is sweet, gentle, and patient. She can be ridden by youth…
SOLDMeet "CYNDI LOPER", a BIG SUFFOLK PUNCH MARE that just wants you to have fun! The Suffolk Horse, also known as the Suffolk Punch or Suffolk Sorrel, is…
SOLDThis is a nice BLACK STANDARDBRED PERCHERON CROSSBRED GELDING that is broke to ride and drive. He has been a daily driver and driven to school and church…
SOLDThis is "LEMON MERINGUE", a stylish, naturally gaited, and super smooth PALOMINO KENTUCKY MOUNTAIN GELDING. He has lots of stamina and endurance. He…
SOLDThis is "POWERSTROKE", a dapper, flashy, and intelligent BLACK AND WHITE OVERO DUTCH HARNESS PAINT CROSSBRED GELDING that is broke to ride and drive. …