⭐️LUKE⭐️ This boy screams chrome and take me home! Luke is a 2018 16.1 (still growing) thoroughbred. This boy will be an amazing dressage or hunter…
SOLDThis is a FAMILY FRIENDLY VERY WELL BROKE SORREL QUARTER HORSE GELDING that anyone can ride. He is super broke, he will sit down and turn around both…
SOLDAPHA 9yr 15.3 hands sorrel gelding. Owned him 4yrs. Whiz is a 2D / 3D with room to improve with a more experience rider. Very broke. Walks right in the…
SOLDhttps://youtu.be/OJHx6k1Q44U "Oak" is a nice gentle, 12 year old, 14 hand, really broke, sorrel gelding. This is a cute horse that moves smooth and…
SOLDWALTER Medford, New York LOW 4 FIGURES! ULTIMATE KIDS TRAIL HORSE! Walter is the safest and most trustworthy trail horse for a kid. Standing…
SOLDI have a 4yo 17.3 hh (and growing) gelding. He has been VERY LIGHTLY restarted, but sitting due to me breaking my leg bailing hay. Has not been ridden…
SOLD“CRICKET” 2010 Grade pony gelding, 12h Here is your pocket sized all around great pony! At 12h Cricket is the perfect size for kids to learn about brushing…