Exceptional All Around Mare

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Chestnut Quarter Pony Mare

Salida, CO

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Barrel Racing, Champion, Companion, Cutting, Dressage, English Pleasure, Experienced, Gymkhana, Halter, Horsemanship, Hunt Seat Equitation, Jumping, Hunter Jumper, Parade, Performance, Ranch, Ranch Versatility, Ranch Work, Ridden English, Ridden Western
Additional Comments

- [ ] Ginger is an amazing horse. She loves people horses and all sorts of different animals. Ginger jumps, dressage, dose 4-h, gymkhana, trail, pushing cattle goes through water, goat tying, princess flag running and so much more. Ginger loves pushing cattle you could push cattle for 5 hours and she would still want to go! Ginger rides both western and English and can go from a fun slow trail horse to a super fast speed running gymkhana pony. If you need a horse that can do just about anything here she is.

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