- Skills / Disciplines
- All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Classical, Draft, Dressage, Drill Team, Driving, Endurance, English Pleasure, Equitation, Eventing, Flashy, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Lesson, Mounted Patrol, Parade, Penning, Performance, Playday, Pleasure Driving, Polo, Polocrosse, Pony Club, Ranch
Additional Comments
Queenie is a 5 year old 14.2 hand gypsy cross. She is a gorgeous bay roan paint with some feather! She is definitely an all around girl with her background. She has done a little bit of everything from reining, trails, bridleless, jumping, cross country, moving cattle, English, lessons, bareback, pulling sleds for the kiddos in the snow, and a ton of other random things around the farm!
This gorgeous girl is a pleasure to be around on the ground.... (read more) She will ground tie, cross tie, and single tie. She is perfect for grooming. With all of her hair she is a fun one to braid and put bows in with the kids. She is easy to saddle (especially with her handy height you don’t have to break your back throwing a saddle). She is great for the carrier and vet as well! She’s always eager to walk onto the trailer as well.
Queenie is a blast to ride for anybody. She has all the nice buttons for someone to really appreciate while riding, but also not to sensitive for beginners. With her reining background she is very familiar with the word “woah”. She will walk trot and lope with ease. Even has a nice lope of from a walk transition. She knows her leads and is started on flying lead changes. Don’t let the western background or her build fool you though. This girl can clear some logs in the timber if you ask her.
We hope Queenie finds someone that loves her as much as we do! Don’t miss out on this awesome girl!