Meet Coffee and Bean

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Sorrel Haflinger Mare

Dodgeville, WI
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Katy's Corral LLC

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Driving, Experienced, Parade, Ridden Western, Team Driving, Trail, Trail Riding, Youth
Additional Comments

Coffee is five and wearing the red halter and bean is six and wearing the purple halter. Bean is thirteen two hands and coffee is just a smidgen under thirteen two but bigger than thirteen one hands. They match the absolute best! This awesome team is well broke to both ride and drive. We have driven them down the main roads, under the highway overpass, all over the farm and they have been to the wagon rides. These girls are easy to harness, hitch and drive.

Shipping Notes

Can ship anywhere in the U.S. Please call for a list of transport companies to contact. A week of free board upon purchase and then $10 a day/horse until picked up by you or by a transport company

Katy's Corral LLC

My name is Katy Cleary and my website expresses my passion. I buy, sell and train horses and ponies for pleasure and rodeo events on my farm here in Wisconsin. I also have a tack shop with a wide variety of quality tack, home décor, and misc. horse supplies. Check out my website at visit our website Feel free to call if you have any questions or for pricing. I only put a select few on here and my website at a time so if you don't see what it is you're looking for give me a call and I might have it here at the house.

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