Tatter Tot, 7 Year Old Grade Dun, Ranch, Sort, Play Gelding

Tatter Tot, 7 yo Grade Dun, Ranch, Sort, Play Gelding

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Dun Quarter Horse Gelding

Scottsdale, AZ

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Barrel, Barrel Racing, Cutting, Gymkhana, Heel, Penning, Playday, Pole, Ranch, Ranch Versatility, Reined Cow, Reining, Ridden Western, Rodeo, Roping, Steer Roping, Team Penning, Team Roping, Trail, Trail Riding, Western Riding, Working Cow, Working Cattle
Additional Comments

Tatter Tot, Little Dun 13.3 Hand Ranch Pony Special.
Picks up his both leads, neck rein, direct rein all the buttons one needs. Big stop, supper cowy horse.
Ranch horse with all the experience, has been started in the rope pen on the heel side and breakaway.
Stand tied all day to anything, little watchy on the ground, can be little fresh if left idle for awhile.
Great for the farrier and other horses.

Pedigree for Tater Tot

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