Thoroughbred Mare

Thoroughbred Mare

San Antonio, TX
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Turkey Creek Stables

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Barrel, Barrel Racing, Dressage, English Pleasure, Eventing, Flashy, Jumping, Ridden English, Ridden Western, Trail, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

This is a Thoroughbred mare that is very showy and fun to ride. She is 15hh and 14 years old. She is very sweet, easy to load, picks up her feet and stands still in the cross ties. She would make a great barrel horse and is the best on the trails. The kids like to pick her for a trail ride. She is always ready to go and in the arena has more go than whoa when asked. We are in San Antonio near 1604 and 281 Text our phone number for more details

Turkey Creek Stables

We are primarily a lesson barn and boarding facility

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