2022 AQHA Bay Roan Gunner Stud Colt Grandson of Colonels Smoking Gun

Bay Roan Quarter Horse Stallion

Los Angeles, CA
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Caballos Jesus Herrera

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Ranch, Ranch Versatility, Ranch Work, Reining, Started Under Saddle
Additional Comments

Lineage: Gunners Peppy Oak x Shiners Little Angel
Location: Delano, California
Contact: Caballos Jesus Herrera (818)335-2735
COMMENTS: Gunners Peppy Oak - Shiners Little Angel by Dr. Shining Spark
Grandson of Colonels Smoking Gun ( #1 All time Reining Sire, NRHA Hall of Fame)
Great grandson of Shining Spark (AQHA, NRHA, NRCHA & PHBA Hall of Fame)
Show-quality reining prospect, champion foundation bloodlines, foundation of reining money earners, well started under saddle, he has super disposition, friendly personality, he is smart, stallion prospect, super quiet and easy to handle.

Caballos Jesus Herrera

Caballos Jesus Herrera - Pure Spanish Horses for Dressage Dedicated to the Horse of Kings, the most Noblest Horse in the world. NOBILITY, BEAUTY AND FUNCTIONALITY. Pure Spanish Horses have natural smooth gaits including the elegant walk, high proud trot and admirable canter. Undoubtedly the best choice for horse lovers who want to enjoy both at the level of competition in Dressage, as to participate in morphological competitions and as a horse ride.

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