- Skills / Disciplines
- Athletic, Dressage, English Pleasure, Equitation, Flashy, Ridden Western, Therapy
Additional Comments
Looking for the perfect home for my 2016 16.1 h OTTB gelding, Sully. JC Name is Hidden Talent.
I am in grad school full time and don't have the time and finances to put into him right now.
I have had Sully since June 2023 and he is loved by many. He did some jumping with his previous owner but has some limitations that I would be happy to discuss with interested parties. Since I've had him we have only done some low level dressage work, simply because I have been out of riding for the last 15 years.... (read more)
He has a puppy dog personality and loves to be doted on. My 5 year old has spent a lot of time with him and he could sit and be brushed for hours. He is very social and loves time turned out with his buddies. He currently has front shoes and is a pretty easy keeper otherwise. He is very willing, a quick learner and eager to please. Everyone who rides him has nothing but pleasant things to say. I think he would love to get more rides/show miles than I am able to right now, however, he is the same horse each time you get on. He really just needs more basic work on bending/using his muscles properly since his time off the track. I think a high schooler with OTTB experience looking for a laidback guy down for anything would have a blast with him. I was told that he can be ridden both English and Western, however, I have only ridden English since owning him.
He can be strong at times but never anything dangerous - no buck or rear. He just likes to test his boundaries every now and then. He is a mild cribber but is controlled with a cribbing collar. (He currently has equal daily turn-out and stall time). He can be a brat during feeding time, but again, nothing nasty or dangerous.
I could write a novel about this guy and it breaks my heart to do this, so I will be very picky about where he ends up.