Super Sweet Appaloosa for Sale

Liver Chestnut Appaloosa Gelding

Mead, WA
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Elk Pass Ranch

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Skills / Disciplines
Pack, Ranch, Started Under Saddle, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

Dillon is a really sweet horse. He was trail rode several times (2019-2020) but used as a pack horse after. Has not been ridden in several years. With that said, when we purchased Dillon, it was said he was ridden by a mature lady as trail horse for two years (age 5-6).
Currently I would not say he is safe to ride, as he has not been ridden in 5 years. He was purchased as a kids horse, but kid didn't want to ride. Always thought Dillon would have made a ranch horse.

Elk Pass Ranch

Elk Pass Ranch offers boarding services / horse motel / Cowboy Mounted Shooting Clinics

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