Dusky and Ginger will be selling at the North Platte Stockyards' March 25 2025 horse sale, unless sold before then.
Just got coggins done, will have hooves trimmed and be dewormed.
The stud these mares are from was a Welsh pony, and the mare was a Quarter horse. They are feisty lil scoundrels.
They had some real nice colts this past year, so are good broodies.
Dusky has been ridden the most, is quick and very sure footed (I've ridden her at a gallop through a pasture with prairie dog holes and she never fell, though I felt her step in several.... (read more)
Buyers responsibility, but could arrange to ship if it was fairly local, at buyers expense.
At R Triangle Ranch LLC, we primarily raise horses and beef cattle.
Avoid Scams and Fraud - Potential areas of fraud: wire transfer, moneygrams, money orders, cashier checks, shipping, escrow, "transaction protection", "guarantee". Check out the Buyer Safety section for more info.