Bay Amaar Al Rayyan Gdaughter! Se/Ak No Minstril Lines

Bay Amaar Al Rayyan Gdaughter Se/Ak No Minstril Lines

Bay Arabian Mare

Tekamah, NE
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Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

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Skills / Disciplines
Beginner, Breeding, Classical, Drill Team, Driving, Harness, Parade, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

Here is a gorgeous Amaar al Rayyan granddaughter. Her dam is a Rasmoniet RSI AND Anchor Hill Faruk g granddaughter. These are lines you just will not easily find in today's heavily Minstril influenced pedigrees. Eiliyah's older FULL sister was an EE T5 and Res CH Mare in region 8 shown as a yearling, I felt Eiliyah was a bit more balanced individual which is why I retained her for my breeding herd. Eilie is bred to Jadallah (Ras-Moniet) for a late April foal.

Shipping Notes

PPE/Health/Coggins are responsibility of the buyer

Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

Breeding quality Arabian and Trakehner sport horses

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Pedigree for Eiliyah

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