Fazlluna- Rasmoniet Rsi/Nabiel/Simeon Shai/Imperial Imdal No Minstril!

Fazlluna Rasmoniet Rsi/Nabiel/Simeon Shai/Imperial Imdal No Minstril

Grey Arabian Mare

Tekamah, NE
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Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Classical, Endurance, Trail, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

This young mare is out of my best producing stallion and mare. Her sire is a Ras-Moniet (Rasmoniet RSI) son. She is out of one of the last daughters left of Akid Geshan (Nabiel). She is the oldest of this cross and simply a stunning young mare who deserves a chance to go out there and prove herself. She is beautiful, sweet and intelligent, but she can turn on the look at me attitude with a little encouragement. She has an independent, strong temperament that can be active and bold.

Shipping Notes

PPE/Health/Coggins responsibility of the buyer.

Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

Breeding quality Arabian and Trakehner sport horses

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Pedigree for Fazluna

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