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2012 AQHA mare. 14.3 1250lbs, built like brick house. Showed in cowhorse as 3-4 year old, used on cattle ranch branding, purchased at invite only Shelman auction in 2022, was high selling mare. Put into roping pen and absolutely excelled. Switch ender. Loves breakaway! She is broke for reining pattern would love to see her go that direction for beginner/novice reiner. Minimal maintenance: coffin injections and osphos 6-9 months. Has carried full term foal, easy breeder, If used as broodmare I’d like to be the first to know of her babies if ever listed for sale.... (read more)
At Quick Silver Performance Horses we train horses for the barrel and roping pen. Every couple years we have some signature horses for sale made by QSP. Now and then we have some on consignment and take some in for tuning/training. We are located in Acton CA.
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