Tall & Leggy Se Filly- No Minstril/Thee Desperado Lines!

Tall & Leggy Se Filly No Minstril/Thee Desperado Lines

Grey Arabian Filly

Tekamah, NE
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Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

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Skills / Disciplines
Breeding, Dressage, Endurance, Eventing, Show, Sporthorse, Sport, Western Pleasure
Additional Comments

A tall and leggy young mare bred for a purpose. Her pedigree is full of great older lines. Tajhan, a son of *Farazdac, was 28 times unanimous Most Classic Champion. Akid Geshan, a son of Nabiel, was a multiple halter champion. Ras-Moniet, son of Rasmoniet RSI, was bred by the Mantei's of Canada, and was himself a class A halter and English Pleasure champion. Anchor Hill Faruk, a son of Rofann, bred by the Atkinsons, was a class A halter champion.

Shipping Notes

PPE/Health/Coggins the responsibility of the buyer

Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

Breeding quality Arabian and Trakehner sport horses

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Pedigree for Sherhonda

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