Arab-Trakehner Filly- Kostolany, Tigre Up Close- Dressage Prospect

Arab-Trakehner Filly Kostolany, Tigre Up Close Dressage Prospect

Chestnut Trakehner Filly

Tekamah, NE
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Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

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Skills / Disciplines
Dressage, Eventing, Trail, Trail Riding, Western Dressage
Additional Comments

Mahreen is by Odin SF *Ps* (Kostolany) out of Moonlight Tempi (arab-Trakehner). She has an amazing pedigree- Kostolany sire of Gibaldi and Tolstoi. EH Consul. Tigre (Butow *E*). Registered with the ATA. This young mare has tons of potential. Life changes are forcing the sale of my horse herd, and I am extremely disappointed. Which is why price does not reflect her quality. I have high hopes for this gal. She has a wonderful personality. Very laid back and personable.

Windy Hill- Tekamah, Nebraska

Breeding quality Arabian and Trakehner sport horses

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Pedigree for Mahreen

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