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FREE LEASE - on OR off farm - full care lease w either option! Located at Rustic River Farm LLC- Mason Nh.
*PLEASE READ THE AD!! Regardless of how long this is…it answers just about everything. Pics/videos are in a public album on my personal profile and the farm’s.
Layla is a 15 year old, 14.3/15 hand big bodied QH mare. FANTASTIC trail horse, has done lessons, summer camp, showing, ranch work, etc but needs a quieter life now.... (read more)
Layla came as a sale horse in November 2023 and we quickly decided to keep her. Our daughter who was 7 at the time fell in love w her and vice versa. We were super hopeful she could be her step up horse but during lessons she seemed uncomfortable and eventually began w the “cranky ears” and would offer to “buck”. I put this in quotations because she really didn’t want to toss her rider and didn’t try very hard AT ALL. She really just needed us to see something was uncomfortable for her. We took her out of lessons and had the vets out for a soundness exam and take some rads. We found that Layla’s left hock is at the tail end of fusing (TEENY tiny joint space left so we have NOT injected at this time) We have the rads of her hock as well as her front feet…which we pull on all our personal horses regardless of soundness to have a baseline. She’s on a joint supplement, tendon support along w a few other supplements the whole farm gets and we will put her on rounds of Equioxx to keep her comfortable if she starts looking like she needs it. (This lovely winter weather has NOT helped any of our equine friends w any sort of soundness issues) We recently did a round of Adequan to see how she would do on that. This helped immensely and she has seemed happy to do wtc work in the ring and yet again happy working in our small lesson program.
This mare has had some babies, did a ton of ranch work in her early years, then she had a rough spot leading to her facial whiting from a halter and her bald spots on her face, why we always use halter fleece w her. She was an older woman’s trail horse before arriving here and took her all over the place w no complaints. Once here…we have done all the things and honestly, I LOVE this mare. She has toted my novice husband around in the ring, on the trails, done some walk/trot gymkhana for lesson kids and our daughter, participated in our summer camp, boosted our daughter’s confidence as well as other kiddos, done some leadline shows and kicked butt all while being the total opposite of a red mare that our daughter can love on endlessly at any point in time. She was the horse that brought my non horse savvy niece around the ring safely, being led (on and off) by our daughter at a walk/trot to get going so she didn’t have to steer as much, the one she rode solo and leadline for summer camp and even got ponied around by our daughter as my niece rode bareback. Layla even humors our daughter to “choose her own saddle pad colors”, let’s her “fall off and play dead” to get a reaction or play games in the indoor for one measly cookie. This girl is a mama through and through…she ADORES the little ones and most definitely prefers kids over adults when it comes to riding, mostly. She’s responsive under saddle but even if and when we have had riders get anxious and clamp up on her…she hasn’t done much other than turn into the middle or just trot quick. She’s really taught kids what it’s like to use your seat/leg softly and quietly, w no dangerous repercussions, instead of being the typical “push ride” type.
She was super apprehensive when she got here and would walk away from blankets or walk off from being caught, always sort of keeping her eye on you…never doing anything nasty but…not anymore! She turns out great w others (falls in love w handsome boys easily), respects all fencing, will stay stalled behind a stall chain or out 24/7, super easy keeper on all forage and supplements right now, will clip, cross tie, straight tie, tie at the trailer, lunge, load and haul. Good for vet and currently barefoot. Truly THE sweetest mare and she ABSOLUTELY will NOT just go to anyone to do anything. I’m still a bit back and forth w this decision but wanted to put out some feelers in case there’s a home somewhere that can give her tons of TLC on a regular basis since she doesn’t get that here due to our daughter needing to continue past Layla’s abilities. This mare WILL NEVER BE SOLD/REHOMED, ever, so please don’t bother asking.
Rustic River Farm LLC - Mason Nh
Lessons, boarding, training, and sales
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