Big Stout Made Percheron Quarter Horse Crossbred Gelding, Ride & Drive

Big Stout Made Percheron QH Crossbred Gelding, Ride & Drive

Bay Percheron Gelding

Flemingsburg, KY

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Draft, Dressage, Drill Team, Driving, Endurance, Experienced, Flashy, Gymkhana, Harness, Lesson, Native Costume, Parade, Performance, Playday, Pleasure Driving, Ranch, Ranch Work, Ridden English, Ridden Western, Team Driving, Team Penning, Trail
Additional Comments

This is "BULLWINKLE", a big, stout made, muscular BAY PERCHERON QUARTER HORSE CROSSBRED gelding that is broke to ride, drive, and work double or single. He stands ax handle wide and has good bone and hard feet. He is a solid 16 hands tall and is 12 years old. This gelding has been hooked single and double to all farm machinery and he has pulled wagons and carts. He has been on wagon trains and pulled large four wheeled wagons, he has been trail ridden and is a bulldozer in the woods, and he has been on the main roads.

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