6 Year Old 15.2 Hd Buckskin Gelding +++Video+++

6 yo 15 2 Hd Buckskin Gelding +Video

Buckskin Quarter Horse Gelding

Oak View, CA
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Jerviss Quarter Horses

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Drill Team, Flashy, Husband Safe, Mounted Patrol, Ranch, Ranch Versatility, Ranch Work, Ridden Western, Trail, Trail Riding, Trained, Trail Class Competition, Working Cattle, Youth
Additional Comments

Here is a beautiful AQHA 6 year old 15.2 Hd golden buckskin gelding with lineage that goes back to Rooster, aka GALLO DEL CIELO and PALO DURO CAT just to name a few. This horse was bred with intent and it shows! Rolex is a classy looking, smooth traveling and very gentle horse. He rides good in and out of the ring and is an absolute pleasure to ride and work with. In the arena, he will collect up well, has a good one hand neck rein, a very smooth jog and lope.

Jerviss Quarter Horses

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