2010 AQHA Ranch Versatility Gelding

Grey Quarter Horse Gelding

Dillon, MT

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Barrel, Barrel Racing, Calf Roping, Dappled, Drill Team, Finished, Gymkhana, Heel, Parade, Penning, Performance, Playday, Ranch, Ranch Versatility, Ranch Work, Reined Cow, Rodeo, Roping, Steer Roping, Team Penning, Team Roping, Trail, Trail Riding, Working
Additional Comments

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2020 AQHA Appendix Gray Gelding

This is one of our home raised babies. By our late son of Big As I Am, 84.5 AQHA performance points, break away ROM, calf roping ROM, AQHA top ten. Out of a daughter of Zippy Zevi Dasher, LTE $379k in derby and futurity earnings. “Moonin” is bred to be a serious competitor in the arena. He has been used on the ranch and started on the heel side out of the box.

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