Beginner Friendly

Tobiano Paint Pony Mare

Merced, CA
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Silver Bitch Stables

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Beginner, Breeding, Companion, Drill Team, Flashy, Gymkhana, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Lesson, Longe Line, Parade, Playday, Ranch, Ridden Western, Roping, Trail, Trail Riding, Trained, Trail Class Competition, Western Riding, Youth
Additional Comments

Atlas is an 8 year old paint mare. She stands at 14 hands. She is very easy going. Nothing bothers this mare. She isn't super fancy but will move off leg, neck reins, has a really nice stop, and back up. She rides real quiet but also moves out when asked. She's not lazy and goes thru all her gaits easily. Will go out alone or in a group. She loads and unloads in trailer, bathes, ties, and good with feet. She gets along with others but tries to assert herself being a lil bossy but isn't marish.

Shipping Notes

Can show anywhere in California for price of gas. Can deliver anywhere in US for price of gas.

Silver Bitch Stables

Consignor. Making great matches and forever homes for your beloved equines.

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