Junior Rodeo Horse

Palomino Quarter Pony Gelding

Merced, CA
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Silver Bitch Stables

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Barrel, Barrel Racing, Calf Roping, Companion, Drill Team, Endurance, Finished, Flashy, Gymkhana, Heading, Heel, Parade, Performance, Playday, Pole, Project, Ranch, Ranch Work, Ridden Western, Rodeo, Rodeo Queen, Roping, Team Roping, Trail, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

Kodi is a 7 year old palomino gelding. Stands at about 14.2 hands. He is super athletic. Nothing bothers this guy. Very responsive and catty on his feet. Neck reins, moves off calf pressure, nice turn around, hard stop, and back up. He has some speed when asked as well. He is very friendly and easy to catch. Likes attention and being loved on. Kodi is the type that he needs an area to exert his own energy daily or be rode and worked during the week.

Shipping Notes

Can deliver anywhere in US for price of gas. Can also go to you to show him for price of gas.

Silver Bitch Stables

Consignor. Making great matches and forever homes for your beloved equines.

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