- Skills / Disciplines
- All Around, Athletic, Playday, Trail Riding
Additional Comments
Reece is a 14/15-year-old grade trail/all around mare that stands around 15 hands tall. She is a nice mare, she is at the bottom of the totem pole in the field, and she is very laid-back. She is suitable for an advanced beginner as she can be mareish at times and needs somebody that knows how to work her through, but most of the time I would throw almost anyone on her. She has only spooked maybe once or twice in the 8 or 9 years that I have owned her.... (read more) The only reason I am selling her is that I got a new horse, and she doesn't get the attention that she deserves, also she is pushed around by my other two horses, and she doesn't deserve that. I love this mare, and she deserves to be someone's top/main horse. The first time I rode her on a trail she acted like she had done it her whole life, she crossed a creek, she went up and down hills with no problem, and she crossed a few bridges. She is not trained to rope, but I have thrown a rope off of her to rope a roping dummy a time or two and pulled it around on her. A GOOD HOME IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST, this mare deserves the absolute best and I will be picky where she goes but she definitely deserves a good home where someone else can enjoy her and give her the attention she deserves. She has never been bred; she does get a little bit antsy at bigger shows but is typically better if you are on her and keep her moving. I have done some goat-tying with her at junior rodeo, and she was not fazed by the goat at all. I have had this mare since she was 8 years old, and she is truly a great mare. She can be ridden bareback at a walk or trot. She can be ridden in a field or in an arena or on a trail, I have jumped her a little bit, she can jump a little less than two feet but is not trained at jumping, I have drug a tarp around on her at a walk and trot and she behaved very well, I have flipped off of her side for fun and she wasn't bothered by that either, I have carried the flag at my local saddle club on her, and she has done poles, she does the pattern in about 32 seconds.
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