Tall, Gorgeous, Coming 3yo Andalusian Gelding

Grey Andalusian Gelding

Newnan, GA
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Fat Cat Farm

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Classical, Dressage, Driving, Eventing, Jumping, Performance, Ranch Work, Saddle Seat, Trail, Trail Riding, Western Dressage, Western Riding, Working Cattle, Working Equitation
Additional Comments

Bene is a tall, handsome, leggy grey Andalusian gelding. Already 16hds and should mature to 16.1 or 2. He has excellent conformation, great feet, good manners and is easy to handle and be around. Sensitive but sensible. Sweet, kind and personable Bene tries very hard to please. Stands to be groomed, bathed and for the farrier. No vices or quirks; no blemishes or injuries. Has never been sick. Beautiful mover. Has had no stress put on his joints or back.

Shipping Notes

Vetting and shipping at Buyer's expense; Health/travel papers at Buyer's expenses. Seller will assist.

Fat Cat Farm

Small family farm enjoying the sport of three day eventing.

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Pedigree for Benevolo y Alegre

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