2024 Sorrel Filly by Sizzling Hot Boons

2024 Sorrel Filly Hot Boons

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Sorrel Quarter Horse Filly

Prairie View, KS
View Farm Directory Listing:
Tien Quarter Horses

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Flashy, Roping
Additional Comments

Quick footed sorrel filly with a ton of feel. This filly will be a top end performance horse or
a great broodmare with a unique cross of modern and traditional cowhorse bloodlines.
Rope, cut or cowhorse she will be able to do any of it.

Tien Quarter Horses

We are located in Northwest Kansas, one mile south and one half mile east of Prairie View. We are a family owned farm/ranch operation where our farming interests include growing wheat, corn and alfalfa. We also raise commercial Angus cattle and breed and sell ranch & AQHA performance horses. We specialize in breeding for conformation, disposition and proven pedigrees, with a special emphasis on the Two Eyed Jack line.

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