8 Yr Old Oldenburg Gelding

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Grey Oldenburg Gelding

Moreland, GA
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Woodridge Farm

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Dressage, Equitation, Eventing, Field Hunter, Flashy, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, Jumper, Jumping, Hunter Jumper, Ridden English, Show Jumping, Sporthorse
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Located in Moreland, GA just 30 minutes south of Atlanta

8yr old Oldenburg Gelding (grey)
By the Holsteiner stallion Riverman*
Register as Raisin Cane with the ISR but we like to call him Goose around the barn.
Goose is super sweet and loves attention from his people. He is a lovely uphill mover that could do straight dressage but also loves to jump and is a power house. Goose would do best with a confident rider with soft hands.

Woodridge Farm

Alese Lyle Eventing located in Moreland, GA. ✨⚫️ training/ consignment spots open!⚫️✨ ✨I have experience starting horses from the ground all the way to upper level imports. I’m happy to take all kinds. ✨Training board includes riding/training 5-6x a week. We have a fully equipped jump ring, several great pastures to ride in, and over 15 miles of trail. I make a plan for each individual horse based on their needs and your goals.

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