Well Minded APHA Registered Two Year Old Filly

Well Minded APHA Registered Two yo Filly

Sorrel Paint Filly

Wanham, AB
$3,600 CAD
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KD Ranch Alberta

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Additional Comments

KDTrouble Three Tily

Going back to some good old cattle lines and champion show and race bloodlines this filly will make a very versatile filly!
Tilly has a laid back and gentle personality.

By: Legacy Gold Kilobar (15HH), 6 panel N/N and features:
*King Leo Bar. AQHA World Champion! He gained points in Ranching and cow events.
*Rhea Mare 38: was a NRA Finals qualifying horse and won many Gymkhana events!

Kd Ranch Alberta

KD Ranch Bio KD Ranch Alberta, Who Are We ? Located North of Grande Prairie Alberta; Kenneth & Denay Bjornson, along with their two beautiful daughters are bringing their life long passion of ranching to others. They were both raised on a cattle ranch; experiencing the challenges of the life as well as the great joy it can bring & gaining years of valuable experience! Learning how to ride at a young age they both developed an appreciation for a good horse.

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