Khaleesi -12 Y/O Dun Snowcap Varnish Mare App/Wb Cross

Khaleesi 12 Y/O Dun Snowcap Varnish Mare App/Wb Cross

Warmblood Mare

Fargo, ND
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The Hoof Fairy

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12 y/o 3/4 Appaloosa X Dutch WB cross. Very stout, very willing, calm demeanor. 16 plus hands. Great broodmare or recip prospect, or pasture pet/companion horse. I believe she is most likely homozygous for color production. Not selling as a sound horse, her LR extensor tendon was severed about 5 years ago. She moves sound, unless you know she had that injury you wouldn't pick up on it. She is not broke to ride. She can be registered with AWS.

The Hoof Fairy

Farrier services and breeding of Appaloosa/Warmblood crosses for competitive equine sporting events.

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