Fancy Lippizaner Quarter Horse Crossbred Mare, Rides Very Nice, Gentle

Fancy Lippizaner QH Crossbred Mare, Rides Very Nice, Gentle

White Lipizzan Mare

Flemingsburg, KY

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Drill Team, Endurance, Experienced, Flashy, Gymkhana, Parade, Performance, Playday, Ranch, Ranch Work, Ridden English, Ridden Western, Show, Show Experience, Team Penning, Trail, Trail Riding, Trained, Western Riding, Working Cow, Working Cattle
Additional Comments

This is "SNOW WHITE", a gorgeous, fancy, and intelligent LIPPIZANER QUARTER HORSE CROSSBRED mare that rides very nicely. She is 5 years old and stands 14.3 hands tall. This mare is unique with a long mane, foretop, and tail. She is very pretty and personable. She likes attention and loves to trail ride. This mare has been through the streams, ridden in snow and ice, and been in the woods. She also rides nicely in the arena. She lopes nice circles catches her leads, neck reins, and stops hard on whoa.

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