Cute QH Gelding - Need Sold Asap

Cute QH Gelding Need Sold Asap

Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding

Eugene, OR

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Companion, Dressage, Drill Team, Gymkhana, Playday, Project, Ranch Work, Rescue, Trail Riding, Western Dressage, Western Riding
Additional Comments

Gunner is a 4 yo grade QH gelding standing about 14h. I purchased him this last summer as a project but I am now going back to school and don’t have the time to put the work in that he needs.

Gunner was acquired by a rescue summer of 2023 as an untouched 3yo and had gone through a couple hands before I purchased him this summer. I have done a few months of ground work, moving his body around, and he lunges, bathes, stands tied, walks over tarps and through water, body clips, and stands for the farrier.

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