Black Bay Homozygous Appaloosa Stud Colt

Bay Appaloosa Colt

Lancaster, KY
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Palisades Appaloosas

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Breeding, Color Producer, Homozygous, Homozygous Black, Playday, Trail, Working
Additional Comments

Remarkable Image (Noah) was born March 31, 2024. He is l00% appaloosa in his first four generations , as well as homozygous for black, for LP (the appaloosa color gene) and carries one copy of leopard pattern gene, PATN1. This means he will give a color gene, and a black gene to all offspring, and leopard pattern half of the time. Noah is already l4 hands and is not yet a year old. I expect he will be about l5.2 hands. Mom is a bay leopard and dad is black with spotted blanket.

Shipping Notes

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Palisades Appaloosas

Colorful well bred Appaloosa weanlings handled daily , reservations accepted at birth.

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