
Bay Mustang Mare

Encinitas, CA

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Champion, English Pleasure, Equitation, Experienced, Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, Kid Safe, Show Jumping, Therapy, Trail, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

14.1 hh bay mustang cross mare, 7 years old but has the brain of a 20 year old and has seen everything under the sun. Is currently being ridden hunter/jumper with me and also has a background in being ridden western. Amazing, sweet personality and safe safe safe with kids or if you need something for your adults to be toted around. Would love to see her go to someone who does mainly trails, that’s what she loves best. Sound and sane, can be ridden bareback, kids have stood up on her, slid off her butt, done all the things.

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