7 Year Old Strawberry Roan Quarter Horse Gelding (Obo)

7 yo Strawberry Roan QH Gelding

Quarter Horse Gelding

Phoenix, AZ
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KN Training

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Meet Cosmo!

This beautiful guy is a dream under saddle with some quirks on the ground. He’s an ex-Ranch horse and is being sold as a Roper prospect or mounted shooting prospect, he could even do trail classes. while riding nothing spooks him and he’s amazing out on trails. Now to some of his quirks on the ground. He can be fearful of men and takes a minute to warm up to anyone but definitely prefers women. He has an old completely healed injury that is from something unknown, it caused a blemish around his cinch area but it doesn’t cause any pain.

Kn Training

Seller of all things horse. Many horses I have for sale are on consignment with me however I do sell personal horses as well. Anything from a trail buddy to a wonderful performance horse I have it or know someone that does!!

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