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Just turning 4-year-old red roan quarter horse gelding. He does not have papers. He is 14.3 hands tall. He just finished 75 days professional training. He walks, trots, and, canters nicely. He has hip and rib control, a nice stop, and soft backup. He will walk through and push cows around. He has advanced ground control. Very quiet minded horse. Quiet enough for good beginners. For more information, please call Chris (no texts or emails).
Located in Clermont, Fl.
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At Chris Boyer Horsemanship, our goal when working with people and their horses is to help them learn how to communicate effectively and clearly in a way that the horse understands. No matter what discipline you ride or what your horsemanship goals are, clear communication is the key to developing a safe, respectful horse. Respect builds trust, trust builds willingness. Without this basis of communication and leadership, the horse will become confused and may act out in fear or aggression as a result.... (read more)
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