Outstanding Young Mare

Black Quarter Horse Mare

Jamestown, NY

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Barrel, Barrel Racing, Breeding, Cutting Prospect, Performance, Project, Ranch, Reined Cow, Ridden Western, Roping, Team Penning, Team Roping, Trail, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

?2022 Black Mare?
RCL Dashing Bling

Bling is the sweetest lady; she loves her people and has been a dream to train. She has over 30 rides on her with loads of groundwork since day 1. She is more beautiful in person, currently standing between 15.2-15.3 hands. We have hauled her for sights and sounds and have been trail riding her this winter. She will walk, trot, stop, back and collect when asked, she is very light in the face, started in a halter and side pull currently riding in a “S” hackamore or whichever we pick up first.

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