Very Special AQHA Colt

Buckskin Quarter Horse Colt

Raymond, WA

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Barrel, Barrel Racing, Breeding, Cross, Cutting, Cutting Prospect, Drill Team, Endurance, English Pleasure, Equitation, Halter, Hunter, Playday, Pole, Polo, Project, Ranch, Ranch Versatility, Ranch Work, Reined Cow, Reining, Rodeo, Roping, Show, Sport
Additional Comments

Introducing an awesome 2024 buckskin colt. Born on May 4th - Star Wars Day!

Sticky as he's affectionately known, for his velcro like tendencies toward people, is eligible to be registered AQHA. He is by TB stallion Allspark and out of AQHA mare Smart Lil Melody.

Sticky should mature to around 15.1 - 15.2 hands.

Sticky has been handled almost daily since birth. He more often than not comes running and talking when he sees us.

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