Good Broke Belgian Gelding

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Red Dun Draft Gelding

Millersburg, OH
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Hershberger's Farm

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Driving, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Parade, Pleasure Driving, Team Driving, Trail, Trail Riding, Trained, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, Working
Additional Comments

Scott is an 8 year old Belgian gelding. He has been in just about anything you could put a horse through. He has been in our single buggy to give rides through the busy traffic, semi's, tour buses this big dude takes it all in stride. He is a big beginner safe horse. Scott is also broke to ride. He has been on trails through woods and creeks he has done it all. Here is a big horse that likes to walk proud but is very good broke. If you are looking for a beautiful Jerry red color look no further. Scott is very well broke and is ready for a new home!!!

Shipping Notes

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Hershberger's Farm

For more than 35 years, the Hershberger family has been raising and training high-quality draft and draft cross horses. These horses have been sold and are being used in over 25 States as well as throughout Canada. Known for providing traffic-safe and sound horses, Hershberger's Farm is pleased to offer attractive horses that look good and work well. The horses are also known as being versatile and many of them can be ridden English or Western and can be driven single and double.

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