Sweet and Talented 6 Year Old OTTB for Sale in Norfolk, MA

Sweet & Talented 6 yo OTTB in Norfolk, MA

Ad 1 of 821

Grey Thoroughbred Gelding


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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Dappled, Dressage, Flashy, Hunter, Jumper, Jumping, Hunter Jumper
Additional Comments

Tucker was purchased as a lesson horse prospect because of his puppy dog, in your pocket personality, sensibility, athleticism and brain. Over the past 10 months, we have learned that he would much rather be one person's horse. He is more relaxed and happier with the consistency, support and love of one rider.

Tucker raced once and had only one other owner. He has much more woah than go, which is surprising for a horse with such impressive bloodlines (descendant of Northern Dancer and Secretariat).

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