Safest Trail Mount Beginner Kid Mount

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Liver Chestnut Appaloosa Mare

Jackson, TN
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Second Chance Thoroughbreds

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Companion, Dressage, English Pleasure, Equitation, Experienced, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Lesson, Pack, Playday, Pony Club, Project, Ranch, Ranch Versatility, Ranch Work, Ridden English
Additional Comments

This mare is the epitome of slow and steady, safe and sound. She loves kids and loves the slow life. If you’re wanting to go out on the trails and put your child, grandparents, dogs, maybe even the whole crew at once, she’s your girl. Will take care of her rider!!! Lives out and easy keeper

Second Chance Thoroughbreds

eventing and dressage training facility specializing in retraining thoroughbreds from the track to new show careers. Our Thoroughbreds are hand picked for their potential in new eventing, dressage, and h/j careers. Many have never raced, and none have retired due to injury!

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