Really Cute Sorrel Pony, Youth Ridden, Show, Trail Rides, Gentle

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Sorrel Pony Gelding

Flemingsburg, KY

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Drill Team, Endurance, Experienced, Husband Safe, Lesson, Parade, Performance, Playday, Ranch, Ranch Work, Trail, Trail Riding, Trained, Western Dressage, Western Riding, Working Cattle, Working, Youth
Additional Comments

Who needs one you can turn the kids loose on to go Trick or Treating with? This is "WOODY", a sorrel WELSH QUARTER PONY CROSSBRED GELDING that is broke to ride nicely. He has been ridden in the woods, on the trails, on the main roads, and in the mountains. He is a solid trail pony that will go anywhere you ask him with a youth rider. He will cross water, step over logs, and handle steep hills cautiously. He is traffic safe and fine with barking dogs, dogs trailing his heels, tractors, side by sides, and vehicles.

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