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Are you looking for something that nobody else has? …
Check out Rodrigio!
Foaled 5/2/2021
Two years ago Rodrigio had his passport and was getting ready to walk on an airplane to fly from Tweng, Austria, to Miami, Flordia, he had spent his summer grazing the Swiss Alps with other Norikers where he had been bred and raised.
Rodrigio is a 3 year old purebred registered blue roan Noriker gelding. He is the sweetest natured horse you could hope to find, he was easily trained, and has a quiet easy disposition that will take care of any level rider.... (read more) He rides western and English. He has been ridden by small children, elderly adults, and all ages in between. If you can hold the reins you can ride him. Rodrigio has given many trail rides and moonlight rides as well as after dark coon hunting, and driving in the buggy, he is traffic safe. Rod is very happy to go the speed and direction you ask him to go, with no suprises. He will side pass to a fence, log, or mounting block to get on him, and stand as long as it takes for you to mount. You can mount him from either side. He will also lay down for mounting if needed. One of his favorite things is sitting on his beanbag. He will walk trot and canter, catch his leads both ways. Side pass, and stop well. Crossing bridges are no problem, he loads in a trailer and stands and hauls quietly, You can drag calves, or sleds, logs or just about anything with him. He rides outside on the trails like a gentleman, he crosses water and he is traffic safe. He has driven single in heavy town traffic like a soccer moms SUV, going grocery shopping to Walmart and Home Depot. He has also worked in all the farm machinery in the team and the four. There isn’t much he won’t do if asked. He even enjoys a party in the house lounging on his couch watching TV! And ….he loves a birthday party! Give him a hat and plate of treats and the party is on!!!
Rodrigio will ride bridleless, you can also pop a whip and shoot off of him and do cowboy mounted shooting, or just go to the mountains and elk hunt, he will be happy to carry you or your trophy elk home. Rodrigio is the first Noriker blue roan gelding imported from Austria to be available for sale in the USA. He stands 16 hands and is a big stout guy that weighs 1400lbs . He was imported by Atlee and Linda Yoder of LA Ranch in New London, Ohio. They are the largest Noriker breeders in America. There are currently only 16 purebred Norikers in the USA and there are only about 10,000 Norikers total in the world, with most in Austria and Bavaria. Norikers are a very hardy breed thriving and doing well at both high altitude of the Swiss alps and low altitudes and heat of Florida, as Rodrigo and 6 other imported Norikers spent 2 years in McAlpin , Flordia before moving to Ohio. The Norikers tolerated heat and humidity as well as they did the cold snowy high elevations. The Norikers are a long lived breed with very few health issues.
In Austria the Noriker breed is used for pleasure riding, dressage, jumping, logging, and multiple hitch for parades and hauling beer wagon. Rodrigio has no problems doing all of these activities! Norikers are a very versatile cold blooded breed with pedigrees that go back 2500 years! They are the worlds oldest breed.
So …you may noticed he has an unusual brand on his left hip. This is his breed brand. All Norikers are given a brand in Austria that identifies him as a Noriker as well as a number that identifies him and his breeder and what communal pasture he is to be grazing in the summer. He is easily identifiable should he ever be lost or stolen, he is microchipped as well and all of his information is recorded in his passport. It goes without saying he is easy on the eye with his georgeous blue roan color and thick mane and tail and he stout enough to haul a large person and gentle enough to take care of any size or level of rider. He gets along with other horses including mares and foals, he is happy to run in the pasture with anyone. Rodrigio is the kind of horse you love having in your barn, and can’t wait to get home to, whether you are enjoying him in the barn or out for a ride he will make life better!
And of course he is sound in every way, he comes with a new Coggins test and up to date vaccinations and teeth done. He is easy to trim his feet, he is fine with shoes or barefoot with good feet, he has no vices. He is up to date on vaccinations, and just to be certain we have genetic tested him! He is 5 panel and PSSM1 N/N. Per UC Davis Vet Lab.
He will be selling at the Horsemans Mission Select Sale October 19th
Triple R Stables
We here at Triple R Stables strive to bring our best horse to you . It is a family business and all of our horses go through our program and with that being said we have our horses for 6 month or more we expose them to a lot of trails and also take them out on the roads and into traffic along with that we spent a good bit of time in the arena getting them nice, soft an easy to ride . If you have any questions please contact Ray with Triple R Stables @our phone number
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