Dappled Bay Versatile Warmblood for Sale

Dappled Bay Versatile Warmblood

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Bay Warmblood Mare

Milford, MI
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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Dappled, Dressage, English Pleasure, Equitation, Experienced, Field Trial, Finished, Flashy, Husband Safe, Hunter Jumper, Kid Safe, Lesson, Ridden English, Ridden Western, School, Show, Sporthorse, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

Dutchess is a gorgeous dappled dark bay warmblood mare who is as kind & gentle as they come. She has a heart of gold and loves snuggling her human on the ground. She is 12 years old and has picture perfect conformation standing a sturdy 16.1hh tall. Dutchess is well broke to ride wtc and has been ridden English, western and bareback by riders of all ages & riding abilities. She is a super sweet, easy going girl who knows her job well. She will happily walk all day long on a loose rein, or if you give her a little leg she will move into her comfy jog.

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