Poncho, 3 yo, Quiet Gelding, Ring and Trail

Ad 49 of 165

Other Paint Gelding

New Summerfield, TX
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Equestrian Resolutions, LLC

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, English Pleasure, Flashy, Gymkhana, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Lesson, Natural Horsemanship Training, Parade, Playday, Pony Club, Ranch Work, Ridden English, Ridden Western, Therapy, Trail, Trail Riding, Trail Class Competition, Western Riding, Y
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3 year old, paint, grade, gelding, sorrel & white, growing still

A nice compact and quiet gelding. He rides very quiet and feels like a been there done that horse even though he is young. He was started under saddle here with us and loves to trail ride and will ride English or Western in the ring.

see our website for his Sales Video

Equestrian Resolutions, LLC

Equestrian Resolutions strives to find a perfect horse-match for you as a rider, no matter what discipline. We train all horses on the ground and in the saddle. We strongly believe that training begins on the ground, from the moment you walk up to the horse and how you approach it. While we train and sell horses, we also provide training for the rider or future owner. We can help you with whatever you need.

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