Team Roping / Cutting Horse

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Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding

Floresville, TX
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J316 Horses

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Barrel, Barrel Racing, Beginner, Calf Roping, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Companion, Cutting, Cutting Prospect, Dressage, Drill Team, Equitation, Eventing, Experienced, Foundation, Finished, Flashy, Futurity Eligible, Gymkhana, Hazing, Heading, Heel, Horsema
Additional Comments

Titan is the horse you have been dreaming of.

AQHA registered with names like Freckles Playboy, Smart Peppy, High Brow Cat, Smart Little Lena, Doc O'Lena and Metallic Cat!

Titan "Registered name Smarty The Cat" is so much more than a great pedigree. He is what the American Quarter Horse was meant to be. He is fast, athletic, tuff, smart, but most of all his desire to please is off the charts.

He was started in reining training and allowed to be a horse doing ranch chores and riding big country.

J316 Horses

We are excited about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and want to share his love and wonderful plan of eternal salvation to all that we meet as we ride through the trails of this life. We train Team Roping, Barrel, and Trail horses. We go to great lengths to train, and build a bond with our horses and will make sure we find the right companion that fits your wants, desires and needs. We team rope daily and attend 2-3 jackpots a week and several big events each year.

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